52 ${Unable to find this tool}: %s\n${Run Tools Configuration?}
53 ${There was an error}:\n%s\n${Do you want to continue?}
54 3.2
55 ${New Session}
56 ${Please enter session name}:
57 ${Rename Session}
58 ${Save changes to this session?}
59 << ${none} >>
60 ${Add this}...
61 ${Edit list}...
62 ${bytes}
63 ${Sessions}
64 ${Projects}
65 ${New Project}
66 ${Delete this project?}
67 ${No projects yet...}
68 ${Updating archives}
69 ${Folders seems to be identical!}
70 ${No files were found to synchronize!}
71 ${Delete current tool?}
72 ${Fail to generate file list!}
73 ${Could not find Project or Session by this name!}\n
74 ${No projects}
75 ${You have to create few Sessions first!}
76 ${There is no such file in package!}
77 &${Update projects}
78 ${No projects affected}
79 ${External file comparison tool is not configured!}\n${Do you want to do it now?}
80 ${No sessions found in this file!}\n
81 ${Session skipped}
82 ${No files copied}
83 ${Rename Project}
84 ${Enter new Project name}:
85 ${All archives}
86 ${archives}
107 ${READ-ONLY file overwrite! Are you sure?}
108 ${Overwriting RO file!}
109 ${It's READ-ONLY! Are you sure?}
110 ${Are you sure?}
111 ${Deleting file!}
112 ${Delete this session?}
113 Sorry, this name/key combination is not valid.\n\nMake sure you have entered name and key exactly as it was given in your registration letter, copy and paste is recomended method.
123 ${Import}...
124 ${Settings could not be imported from specified file!}
144 ${Folder is not valid!}\n%s\n${Do you want to create it?}
148 ${Can not open this file/archive}\n
161 ${Do you want to create this archive?}\n
1067 http://www.grigsoft.com/
32771 ${Show start dialog}
32772 ${Show source-only files}
32774 ${Show matched files only}
32775 ${Show same files}
32776 ${Copy to target files only}
32777 ${Copy to source files only}
32778 ${Show all files}
32782 ${Show Options}\n${Options}
32783 ${Compare files}
32785 ${Show target-only files}
32786 ${Show selected items only}
32901 ${Show deleted files only}
32906 ${Run associated application}
32907 ${Copy files to another location}
32909 ${Selects all folder items}
32921 ${Go to previous folder}
32922 ${Go to next folder}
32929 ${Make or update history file}
32932 ${Rescan}
34009 ${Import sessions and projects from old configuration file}
34021 ${Search for file in list}
34027 ${Edit FTP servers list}
41446 ${An exception occurred when attempting to create an FTP connection.\n Please check your internet configuration and make sure your environment\n is set up with WININET.DLL in the path.}
41447 ${Please enter a valid FTP URL}
57344 Synchronize It!
57345 ${Ready}
57346 ${Total files copied}: %d
57600 ${Create a new document}\n${New}
57601 ${Open an existing document}\n${Open}
57602 ${Close the active document}\n${Close}
57603 ${Save the active document}\n${Save}
57604 ${Save the active document with a new name}\n${Save As}
57605 ${Change the printing options}\n${Page Setup}
57606 ${Change the printer and printing options}\n${Print Setup}
57607 ${Print the active document}\n${Print}
57609 ${Print Preview}
57632 ${Erase the selection}\n${Erase}
57633 ${Erase everything}\n${Erase All}
57634 ${Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard}\n${Copy}
57635 ${Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard}\n${Cut}
57636 ${Find the specified text}\n${Find}
57637 ${Insert Clipboard contents}\n${Paste}
57640 ${Repeat the last action}\n${Repeat}
57641 ${Replace specific text with different text}\n${Replace}
57642 ${Select the entire document}\n${Select All}
57643 ${Undo the last action}\n${Undo}
57644 ${Redo the previously undone action}\n${Redo}
57653 ${Split the active window into panes}\n${Split}
57664 ${Display program information, version number and copyright}\n${About}
57665 ${Quit the application; prompts to save documents}\n${Exit}
57666 ${Context Help}\n${Help}
57680 ${Switch to the next window pane}\n${Next Pane}
57681 ${Switch back to the previous window pane}\n${Previous Pane}
59137 ${CAP}
59138 ${NUM}
59140 ${OVR}
59392 ${Show or hide the toolbar}\n${Toggle ToolBar}
59393 ${Show or hide the status bar}\n${Toggle StatusBar}
59395 ${Yes}
59396 ${No}
59398 ${Expand selection}.
59399 ${Specify file type}
59400 ${Shrink selection}
61184 ${Change the window size}
61185 ${Change the window position}
61186 ${Reduce the window to an icon}
61187 ${Enlarge the window to full size}
61188 ${Switch to the next document window}
61189 ${Switch to the previous document window}
61190 ${Close the active window and prompts to save the documents}